Back pain can cause a lot of discomfort. Risk factors may be heavy physical labor and nervousness. What causes back pain and what should be done to avoid straining the vertebra? Throughout life, a person experiences constant physical exertion, which affects the general condition of the body.

The skeletal framework consists of bony joints, of which the spine is chief. The load on the bony discs can sometimes cause back pain. There are many causes and symptoms of pain. What can cause back pain? Sudden onset of acute back pain is called low back pain. This phenomenon is characterized by brief, acute spasmodic contractions of the back and lower back. The chronic form of persistent back pain disease is called low back pain.
What Causes Back Pain: Causes of Disease
Symptoms of back pain manifest as invasion or damage to the ligaments of the spinal joints, sprains in the skeletal tissue structure, and muscle spasms. Back pain may be due to hypothermia.
The most common cause of back pain is sudden hypothermia. There are all kinds of life situations when you have to expose your body to sudden temperature changes. The human body is designed in such a way that sudden changes in air atmosphere do not always have a favorable effect on the general condition of the body.
The body reacts quickly to changes in temperature when exposed to cold air, especially after being in a warm place for a long time, which can lead to back pain. If you catch a cold in your lower back or muscles in your back, the rebound won't come quickly. The next day, back pain does not allow a person to lead a normal life. Severe or painful pain is accompanied by physical limitations in the body. It's hard to straighten your back.
Stiff movements can alter gait, and sometimes simple movements can be very difficult. What should you do if you have back pain? For this, there are reliable and proven pharmacological products that perfectly relieve inflammation in the body.
How should hypothermia treat back pain?
Warm ointment or gel should always be kept in the home first aid kit. They will have a warming effect on the muscles and reduce back pain. It is recommended to wrap a wool scarf or scarf around your waist after using these products to keep your back warm. Without proper preparation, then you can wipe your back with alcohol or vodka.
If your back pain doesn't go away within a few days, you should see your doctor.
Medication includes injections to relieve back pain. After a few sessions, patients will feel relieved and return to their normal lifestyle. If you have frequent back pains, then special belts are recommended to prevent back pain, available at any pharmacy. It is made from dog hair or wool. You can wear it every day and it is invisible under clothing.
Main symptoms of sciatica
The first stage of sciatica is back pain and back pain.
Sometimes, while working in the garden or doing some physical work at home, you suddenly experience a sharp pain in your back. Pain syndrome is short-lived and passes quickly. However, after that, keep working and you will suddenly feel a new attack. Back pain is back. This time, the pain paralyzes the motor functions of the back. What is causing these symptoms and what should be done to get rid of back pain? Most likely, lumbosacral sciatica (or low back pain) has back pain. In this case, urgent consultation with a doctor is required.
How should primary low back pain be treated?
If you experience back pain, you must immediately take a horizontal position. In this case, the bed should be firm. To relieve pain, you need to take pain medication. It is strictly forbidden to take hot baths during the exacerbation: this will only increase the pain syndrome. During this time, salt and fluid intake should be limited. If the pain does not decrease during the day, it makes sense to seek medical attention at home.
How does a herniated disc (the second stage of sciatica) manifest?
Back pain can be chronic, that is, persistent pain that doesn't leave a person. Temporary relief comes only when lying down. In this case, there is a good chance that a herniated disc will be diagnosed.
Persistent back pain radiates into the legs, increases with movement, and interferes with full inhalation and exhalation. Decreases sensitivity in the lumbar area. These symptoms require urgent medical attention. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.
Osteochondrosis of Lumbar Vertebrae and Occupational Diseases of Back
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine occurs when the mineral supply of the intervertebral discs that connect the bony vertebrae is disrupted. Joint tissue is not enriched enough and can dry out. As a result, the disk was wiped and back pain occurred. The treatment of osteochondrosis offers a number of special measures:
- Manual and complex treatments.
- Special gymnastics practice is required.
- Physical therapy operations.
- Integrative therapeutic massage.
- The diet should contain sufficient amounts of minerals (phosphorus, calcium) to strengthen bone structure.
In each case, separate treatments are required. This will be done by your treating rheumatologist.
What is back pain caused by occupational disease?
People in certain occupations experience constant pain. This activity basically includes mental workers. Staying in one place continuously during the workday can cause the muscle tissue in the bone structure of the spine to weaken. This can also cause poor posture. This characteristic is especially pronounced in school-aged children.
Treatment and prevention of occupational diseases should take place directly in the workplace:
- Five minutes of gymnastics is recommended, which will put a load on your back muscles.
- To keep your spine from overloading, keep your back straight while sitting. This will create the correct posture and create a distributed load on the skeletal bones of the back.
- A relaxing preventative massage of the entire back and forearm is required after a hard day's work.
Any treatment involves a comprehensive approach, which should include medication and physical therapy. Only a rheumatologist can identify the cause of back pain, establish a correct diagnosis, and prescribe an effective treatment plan.
How to get rid of pain and how to prevent it
Rehabilitation and recovery of the bony structure of the back of the body should be done with minimal physical exertion. However, if you have back pain, then under no circumstances should you ask for bed rest.
The back muscles should be in constant working condition. If the child has back pain, then after a doctor's examination, manual therapy and massage are also recommended, alternating with simple physical exercises.
Pay attention to your health!